Versioning and Tagging


Defining your version

First you define your version giving the individual parts a name; the names are your personal choice. The numbers are the initial version when there is no version yet.

def version = xversion.define(major:1, minor:0, patch:0)
println(version) // prints [data:[major:1, minor:0, patch:0], meta:[snapshot:false, prefix:'v']]

or using major and minor as default policy:

def version = xversion.define()
println(version) // prints [data:[major:1, minor:0], meta:[snapshot:false, prefix:'v']]

Version as string

If the version.meta.snapshot is true then stringify appends `-SNAPSHOT' (stringifyForTag does not):

def version = xversion.define()
println(xversion.stringify(version)) // prints '1.0'
println(xversion.stringifyForTag(version)) // prints 'v1.0'

Increment the version

The incrementor - as the name says - increments a version part.

def version = xversion.define(major:1, minor:0, patch:0)
version = xversion.increment(major:version)
println(version) // prints [data:[major:2, minor:0, patch:0], meta:[snapshot:false, prefix,'v']]


def version = xversion.define(major:2, minor:0, patch:0)
version = xversion.increment(minor:version)
println(version) // prints [data:[major:2, minor:1, patch:0], meta:[snapshot:false, prefix,'v']]

Retrieving current version

You can retrieve the version either by the underyling build tools or using last tag. When there is not tag the defined version is used. It's expected that existing version match the version policy otherwise an exception is thrown.

def version = xversion.get(maven:version)   // reading from pom.xml
def version = xversion.get(gradle:version)  // reading from build.gradle
def version = xversion.get(tag:version)     // reading from tag

Applying version to tool

It does change the version either in the pom.xml or in the build.gradle:

xversion.apply(maven:version)   // adjusts the pom.xml
xversion.apply(gradle:version)  // adjusts the version field in the build.gradle
xversion.apply(tag:version)     // creates and pushes version as tag